Carbon Brushes (Set)
(Note: 6Kw 12V motors are no longer sold, but spare parts such as the Carbon brushes are available)
Under normal conditions Carbon Brushes do not wear out. In case you notice carbon dust, most likely a problem with the commutator is causing the carbon brushes to wear-out faster.
Replacing the brushes not always solve the problem. In case of a slightly elevated commutator bar, the brushes (8x in a full set) bump into the elevated commutator bar every rotation of the impeller.
In this video we explain, sometimes the commutator surface must be machined, and afterwards, with a new set of brushes, the motor will run as new.
De officiële website van de fabrikant van straalmotoren Copyright 2010-2024
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Patent aangevraagd voor Jet Thruster-systemen