Buy this product to setup your (Business) account in Jet Thruster Estore (If you have no account yet)
Before you can order, your account first will be verified by our back-office. After the account has been verified, you will receive a email and you can login to activate the settings.
The test product allows you to set up a account, without ordering products.
Inside the EU:
- It is used for our business clients who have a VAT number and want to set up the account
Outside the EU:
In case the Estore software does not recognize your IP number to be from outside the EU (Or you work via a VPN) automatically VAT is showed during the check-out. Note Outside the EU, we do not charge VAT. In case the software does charge VAT. Setting up a account, without buying parts, allows us to manually exlude VAT in your account, when we see your "test" order. After we changed the VAT setting, we will notify you. In this case, after you log out and in again with your email-address, the software will not show the VAT again.
Follow this process step-by-step:
1: Add this product to Bag/Cart
2: Click: Go to Checkout
3: Enter your Email Address, agree with the terms, and click on: Checkout
2: Shipping: Select the option: "Ill pick up myself" and enter your Name and Phone (Later you can add your shipping address here)
3: Set pick-up time in the future
4: Edit your Address etc
5: Add your valid VAT number (that way NO vat is automatically charged)
Click on words "Enter your VAT Number for VAT reverse charge, as shown below (1)
After you clicked, the box will open where you can enter the VAT number
**Without valid VAT number we cannot process invoices with no VAT**
5: Go to Check out / payment
6: Select: Payment by Bank transfer (The order will continue without payment obligation)
7: Leave comments: (In the future you can write specific details for your order here)
8: Click: "Place Order"
No costs are charged, but the order and your account are created. We will see this and contact you.
De officiële website van de fabrikant van straalmotoren Copyright 2010-2024
Disclaimer: CE Al onze producten worden vervaardigd volgens de CE-regelgeving. Voor alle content op deze website behouden wij het recht om beschrijvingen, grafieken of verklaringen te wijzigen die nodig zijn voor de technische ontwikkeling van onze Jet Thruster-systemen of om een andere reden.
Patent aangevraagd voor Jet Thruster-systemen