Hole saw set for Jet Thruster installation
Dedicated for Jet Thruster installation we created a Hole Kit with all required Hole saw products
To succesfully drill the Water inlet and Nozzle holes, the right hole size and correct dill bit is important. We selected the correct hole saw sizes and placed them in one kit. It's important to mention that for the nozzles you have to drill under an angle. Experience learns that the standard Hole-saw bits are sold with a short center drill bit. If you use a short drill bit and drill under angle, the top side of the hole saw will bite first because the hole saw must be kept horizontal. Result is: Every standard bit is too short. To overcome this problem we selected the correct hole saw sizes, the correct bit holders and extended drill bit all in one kit.
It means you now have all required tools to succesfully perform the job without multiple trips to a hardware store, to learn they just do not have that size you actually require.... Save time, and purchase this hole saw set, because we exactly selected the required hole saw sizes you need for the job.
Bi-Metal hole-saw for GRP and Wood
De officiële website van de fabrikant van straalmotoren Copyright 2010-2024
Disclaimer: CE Al onze producten worden vervaardigd volgens de CE-regelgeving. Voor alle content op deze website behouden wij het recht om beschrijvingen, grafieken of verklaringen te wijzigen die nodig zijn voor de technische ontwikkeling van onze Jet Thruster-systemen of om een andere reden.
Patent aangevraagd voor Jet Thruster-systemen