Shaft Seal Directional 3-Way Valve (Single Lip)
Before you order, compare with your existing seal, if you have the Single Lip seal.
Note: This Single Lip seal is no longer used in production of our valves. It's for replacement only. In most cases the shaft must be replaced too.
In case you must replace this seal, only replace it by an identical seal, do not use the double lip seal. Replace the valve cap, if you want to change into a Double lip seal, as the cavity for the seal has a different position and dimension.
In case of a leaking Single Lip Shaft Seal, the Stainless steel shaft must be inspected for signs of corrosion. Replace the shaft to in case of damage to the surface where the lip is present.
(Position 14 in drawing)
De officiële website van de fabrikant van straalmotoren Copyright 2010-2024
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Patent aangevraagd voor Jet Thruster-systemen