
Proprietaire d'un Oceanis 31

A compact Jet Thruster installation to the bow of a sailing yacht

Propriétaire d'un Océanis 31, je souhaite partager avec vous mon agréable expérience sur l'installation et l'utilisation de mon propulseur d'étrave Jet Thruster.

La première question avant mon achat était quel système fiable choisir? Pour ça, je me suis renseigné auprès d'un responsable de chantier de carénage; celui-ci étant dépourvu d'intérêt commercial, il me donna son avis sur les propulseurs d'étraves. 

Sans hésiter, il m'a répondu que beaucoup rencontraient des problèmes par un usage trop intensif. Cela a pour conséquences de faire sauter les fusibles et ceux-ci coûtent très chers, ainsi que bon nombre de systèmes rétractables qui se bloquent. 

La deuxième question était l'hydrodynamisme. 

Comment éviter d'avoir à percer un énorme trou pour installer un tunnel qui freinerait ainsi considérablement un voilier de petite taille?

La troisième question était l'efficacité du système et le bruit généré.

Pour cela, j'ai eu la chance de tester le 50 Jet Thruster sur un Saffir 37 par 16 nœuds de vent sans problème. Quant au bruit, juste un petit bruit de bouillonnement de l'eau.

Pour toutes ces raisons, j'ai donc choisi d'acheter un 50 Jet Thruster directement en Hollande. Là, Henry et Pieter m'ont accueilli avec beaucoup de gentillesse et ont répondu à toutes mes questions. 

L'installation s'est faite par moi-même, aidé par la notice de montage simple et détaillée.

Depuis, je savoure à chaque sortie l'efficacité de mon propulseur. 

Eric Peschet

Wooden boat with a Jet Thruster nozzle visible to the bow
By Pieter Cats March 22, 2024
Next level Bow Thruster for wooden (classic) boats
A catamaran showing activated Jet Thruster nozzles at the bow and stern, a clear visual how the water is being expelled from the Jet Thruster nozzles. In this case the Catamaran is being pushed sideway
By Pieter Cats March 17, 2024
How does a Jet Thruster work?
A jet thruster nozzle visible in a wooden boat. Nozzle clearly visible in the bow
By Pieter Cats February 14, 2024
Cruising with Talamod on the busy waters around Dordrecht offers both relaxation and challenges. Docking a boat can be particularly tricky due to factors like wind, tide, and navigating tight spots. While some may argue that thrusters are unnecessary and one should simply learn to sail properly, the practical benefits of thrusters are undeniable. As a captain for a Dutch boat tour company operating in bustling Dordrecht, I've experienced firsthand the importance of thrusters in ensuring safe and smooth navigation. With constantly changing conditions and the need for precise maneuverability, thrusters play a crucial role in minimizing risks and enhancing the guest experience. Jet Thruster systems provided by Holland Marine Parts have been instrumental in our operations. These systems offer precise control, especially during docking maneuvers, and are particularly suited for classic wooden boats like Talamod. Their quiet operation ensures a serene experience for guests and residents alike.
Jet Thruster Stern nozzle in a Sailing yacht
By Flush installtion of Jet Thruster nozzles August 11, 2022
Creating a flush and stealth Nozzle install
Two men are measuring a boat with a yellow level
By info May 12, 2020
Jet Thruster offers great and flexible Thruster solutions for Jeanneau Yachts. But there is more! Why does a Charter Companies like Boomerang Charter in Sardinia, Italy choose for Jet Thruster? The answer is all about performance and reliability. With almost every weekend a crew-change, there is not much room for maintenance during the busy season. It's super easy to catch a mooring line with a conventional bow thruster. Let's not even mention a Retractable Thruster. These thrusters are very vulnerable, and any damage results into unwanted time consuming repairs during those few hour a Charter Operator has time to change the crew. Jet Thruster however has NO moving parts in the water. The water will pass a small filter. No lines can be sucked into the pump unit. At the nozzle section, only 2" holes are present. From these nozzles, the water is pushed out by the pump. Nothing can get into the nozzle as there is no suction here. The pump inlet is located deep under the water line. The grate prevents debris, plastic and those floating mooring lines from coming into the system. All of this makes a Jet Thruster offers a high level of security and less in-season maintenance jobs for Charter crews.
Verification of Bow Nozzle angle at a Jeanneau Sun Loft 47
By info May 11, 2020
Designed to use in a Salt water environments, Jet Thruster thru-hull parts are available in high strength Composite. Over the years, use of composite material in the boat building industry has increased spectacular. A quick look during a boat show, will show many boat builders have changed from metal thru-hulls into composite equivalents. The reason is obvious: Durable, easy to install and 100% corrosion resistant. In order to comply with the ISO-9093 and ABYC regulation Holland Marine Parts, manufacturer of Jet Thruster, comes forward with a full composite product line of Jet Nozzles, water inlets and a variety of other parts to connect the very flexible to install Jet Thruster for boats from 25-60 feet. Composite Thru-hull parts offer peace om mind for the boat owner. After a correct installation, salt water has no effect on the parts. Anti-Fouling can be painted directly over the parts. During the injection moulding process, UV proof Composite material is reinforced with a certain amount of glas filament. The result is a ultra strong, shock and impact resistant material. The car industry already discovered composites many years ago. Jet Thruster systems are designed for the heavy use often seen in Charter Boat industry. Reliability is a very import topic. Due to the continuous use of the charter boats, and short service time, available between changing of the guest, there is a demand for technical equipment with a minimum service-level. With no moving parts in the water, no mooring-lines can be caught by the thruster. Mooring lines floating in the Charter base marina's are the no. 1 reason, traditional propellor bow thruster will fail. No with Jet Thruster. Lines are not able to enter the pump unit. During the past years we have seen a strong increase of Charter Companies all over the world. Renting sailing yachts is more popular than ever. During their vacation, Jet Thruster offers captains of Charter boats to safely and comfortable dock the boat, knowing no external debris, lines, or plastics, floating in the water can harm the Jet Thruster With a Jet Thruster, boat builders, Charter fleet operators and private boat owners install a unique thruster system designed for demanding use. More info at Pieter Cats, Holland Marine Parts

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