How does the Air Release kit work?
In case the Jet Thruster pump doesn't prime well. An air pocket might be present inside the pump housing, preventing the impeller from moving water. This can happen when fast moving boats create a vacuum under the boat, and air is drawn in from the bow nozzles. If the boat reduces speed, and the nozzles are getting back under the water line, due to physical reasons an air bubble might occur and not be able to escape. In al cases the pump unit must be placed below the water line: The Jet Thruster system will not work in case the pump is installed above or not well enough below the water line.
If you have installed the pump not under the water line, this valve will not solve that problem.
A Pump placed below the waterline is subject to the natural physical force called "Communicating vessels." It means, water will flow into the pump automatically. This happens at low pressure rate, an air pocket inside the pump possible will not be pushed out by the inlet-pressure. The Air Release Valve will provide an escape for the accumulated air inside the pump housing. Thru a small opening (1/8) air will immediately be pushed out. The water level will rise inside the pump head and, the pump will immediately push out the water in case you start the Jet Thruster system.
The valve itself does not provide a mechanical vacuum to prime the pump, it's the pressure on the inlet site of the Jet Thruster pump, which will push out the air. The valve is just the gate, all parts in the kit make it possible to create the vent with high quality components.
The complete, ready to install kit includes:
Example Air Release kit JT30 - JT50
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